a long overdue (for here update)

ok so they are stalking toby's sister...

but who cares? it's toby ffs! lol


i need a good summer song for this year...

give me suggestions...

some from the past:

she's my cherry pie...and baby talk dirty to me!


hair bands...delish...delish...delish..<3 rip Jani Lane you were a sexy mofo!

and...my themesong:


and i know you like it tooooooo...

Got a secret, can ya keep it? (Toby=Yum!) and...down in Mexico

mmmmhmmm great great clip!!!

great song!!!!

yep, toby can come help in my yard ANYTIME!!
He's in pretty little liars...great show...truly truly great show...in the first season...Toby was a little...nerdy..a little awkward...but very soon thereafter...well...YUM!

yeah he's full of YUM!!!

ok so a reminder:
wishlist...it's been close to cleared...so adding some more things... gc's to miztressdj@yahoo.com

thanks in advance..it's appreciated