Self Care - for everyone, not just subs.

Here is one thing I know for sure: people are on edge.

I don't mean the usual crunch time, make ends meet kind of stress edge -- but instead like one whack comment from snapping edge.

Is it the political climate?


But, rather than analyze the "why" of it let's make this a positive.

1. Make a point of taking time away from your screens. For every hour, I challenge you to spend 10-15 minutes outside or sitting quietly with your eyes closed (meditation/prayer/relaxing.)

2. Hydrate: I know I for one drink way too much coffee. Coffee is a natural diuretic, so those of us that enjoy our coffee or tea, should double up on our water. You should drink half your weight in ounces.

3. Organize: loosely plan tomorrow. What am I wearing? What is the "loose" to-do's for tomorrow? What will be for dinner tomorrow?

4. Plan ahead: things may not go as planned. Make your bed when you get up. Start the dishwasher or laundry. Do things ahead of time ahead when you have some spare moments.

5. Make one day a week to do exactly what you want to do - not need to do, or should do -- if that means being a couch potato, so be it! If that means staying in bed all day? Good for you! If you want to watch a movie-a-thon or read....go for it. Do what will recharge you and refresh your spirit.

Also, I encourage you to take deep breaths.

We are a society of breath holders, and it isn't good for us.